My greatest satisfaction comes when an image is able to elicit an emotional response or memory for the viewer, because I have delved deep into myself in making it, and we have found our common humanity.
Represented by:
Spencer Throckmorton Gallery
145 East 57th Street
New York, NY 10022
Please feel free to contact:

"Art Toulinov’s photographs are lessons
with objects and people. In stark and
subtle ways, in Toulinov’s photographs
models engage with things that are rife
with connotation. His photographs
are tonal allegories in which light
and the absence of light shapes meaning.
Simply, the artist stages dramas for his
camera, dramas that become apologues
– moral fables."
Mitchell Algus,
Scroll your mouse over the photo. Arrows
will appear that will take you through
the whole gallery.
You can click on image to enlarge.